Wednesday, March 28, 2018

What made this difference in beauty? Changing the shape of women or our perspective to whom we put them in the foreground as a symbol of beauty? Perhaps it is appropriate to re-ask the question in another form: What does beauty mean to us? Is it just a remarkable optical shape? Doesn't beauty give us room to imagine a different reality? Don't we look at the beauty of other possibilities for living and other spaces? Is it not our admiration for the paradigm of beauty, our desire to live what this model represents? For example, why does a smiling woman's face make us evaluate her more beautiful than her naked reality? Alice, because the smile is tied to happiness, and from here we link her permanent smile, through those moments of staring, and a possible permanent happiness in the event of a connection to that woman. Another example, someone may need tenderness or not to test it or want to re-congratulate him then the affectionate motherly face will be the standard of beauty of this individual and so on. Because our needs and desires are different, our vision and our assessment of beauty are different. In contrast to each age of value and its different lifestyle, hence the criterion of beauty is influenced by different times.

Back to the two previous models, the Women of medieval art paintings and modern-day cover girls we can to test our previous hypothesis, which considers that the standards of beauty are not neutral, but reflect a visualizer of the pattern of living desiring. In the Middle Ages, elite women were the only ones who had the luxury of food that gave their bodies more grease, and with less need for more muscle relaxant. Because they are entertainers, they do not need to go out to the field; their skin preserves their pure whiteness. All those who deal with it are the husband and children, some servants, and sometimes guests; to spend time, the face features are relaxing. A woman who owns this form is a rich woman living well, and thus becomes a symbol of beauty not for her own beauty, but for the beauty of her lifestyle as an aspiration that others want to live.

In this era, the complaint is no longer a food shortage but a quality, and here we are comparing Western societies in two different times in both cases. So the body is no longer an indication of the welfare of the living, for the opposite foods that cause obesity are actually cheaper. Hence the prevalence of obesity in those communities among the poor who cannot rely on vegetables and fruits instead of carbohydrates and fast food. Modern women are the ones who have the luxury of money, making them buy what makes her body more graceful, and time to go to shore or one of the centres; to gain her skin Luna bright and different, instead of "pale whiteness", as the Americans call their skin, and also from the time it makes them exercise, to give them a more body Hardness. The instructor of Beyonce did not boast that she was practicing every day ten hours, which makes her thighs feel so hard as the stone feels! Yes, the phrase was said to boast and to sing beauty. In contrast, in another time, the body was rich and hidden. It is a different age that requires an independent woman to go out to the street and gain some of the street colour and hardness, to give her face strength and confidence. They did not appear in the eyes of women languishing in their affluent homes, as they had previously been portrayed by art works.

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