Friday, March 22, 2019

To wetted your skin and give it a healthy look, we recommend that you use a number of routine steps to reach this goal, and use some natural blends that enhance moisture in the skin. Here's the detail of the theme from the feminine site.

Get rid of your face blisters with these tips!

What routine steps should be taken to moisturize the skin?

-Drink plenty of water

-Obtain a balanced diet based on fiber and vitamins found in fruits and vegetables

-Clean the skin with the right lotion for it

-Protect the skin daily in summer and winter through the suitable sunscreen for its type

-Attention to the quality of the cosmetics used and the choice of make-up that does not cause dehydration to your skin

-Wash the face with lukewarm water to keep the face moist

-Do not overpeel the face so as not to rob your skin of useful oils that keep moisture

-Apply daily moisturizer or use natural skin moisturizing mixtures

What are the natural mixtures that increase the moisture of the skin?

Honey and Gluten blend

-Mix a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice with 2 teaspoons of glycerine and green tea, then pass it after you mix well on your skin before you sleep at night to do in the morning and clean your face the next day.

-This blend will moisturize your skin and increase its shine and radiance. 

How do you get pure, cereal-free skin?

Shea butter and almond oil mix

-half a cup of melted shea butter with 2 tablespoons of almond oil and add 5 drops of rosemary oil, 10 of lavender oil, 3 of tea tree oil and carrot seed oil. Then rub your face with the mixture and leave for 10 minutes just before you wash it.

-this mixture preserves the moisture and cleanliness of the face and protects the essential oils found in the skin.

Honey Wax

-After dissolving 1/4 cup of beeswax pieces, put over half a cup of coconut oil, 1/2 cup of olive oil and 10 drops of oil, lavender oil or sandalwood oil, and beat the ingredients well before passing on your skin and leave it for 10 minutes of time. The remaining mixture is in a cool, dry place to use next time.

-For effective and rapid hydration use this natural oils-based blend.

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