Sunday, June 12, 2016

Causes the darkening of the face
There are many reasons behind the infection Basmrar face:

Excessive exposure to the sun: Exposure to sunlight can cause skin darkening in different ways, the most common spots to be associated with age, whereupon the sun's rays to destroy the production cycle pigment in the skin, resulting in the appearance of dark spots on the skin.
Another way in which the sun's rays affect the skin are the appearance of freckles on the face, chest and shoulders.

Clotting melanin, melanin, to the emergence of clusters concentrated may lead under the skin, which can cause skin change color to brown, these clusters can be present from birth or may be formed in the later life of the person.

This type of browning known Balouhmat moles or skin dark.
Loss of pigment: These are called the situation vitiligo name, a disease that affects a small group of people around one person among every hundred, and although the main reason it is not known, but some reports indicate that it may result from abnormal nerve cells that lead to stop production pigment in the skin, or it can result from autoimmune through which white blood cells in the body attack the pigment cells and kill her problem.

Genetics: often the problem of darkening the face as a result of genes and genetics appear, if a parent is suffering from this problem will contract by at least one of their children.

Hormonal changes: such as those infected by the pregnant woman during pregnancy, or the time of the menstrual cycle of women.

Some medications such as antibiotics and hormone treatments, and drugs for some infections.

Injury or inflammation of the skin such as acne.

3 recipes for the treatment of natural suntan

- Mask sugar:

This mask is used to unify the color of the skin and get rid of browning output from the sun as it works to lighten skin color effectively and also doing a peeling of the skin to stimulate blood circulation and the renewal of cells and leaving it soft like the skin of children.

You need a little coarse sugar and drops of lemon and one teaspoon juice of natural bee honey can also add drops of any oil Otri Tvdilanh, Dress mixing all ingredients well in a suitable container and then Start in individual catcher on your skin with a massage very gently, leave the mask on your skin even completely dry and then rinse your face with cold water, Continue to repeat this catcher twice a week to get quick results.

-mask Yogurt and lemon:

Yogurt helps to soothe the skin from burns and is a strong factor moisturizer works to feed the skin of what they contain useful nutrients, as lemon is useful in tightening the skin and cleanse the pores of the business and stimulate blood circulation skin.

Bring a pot clean and nationalist put two tablespoons of yogurt by then add to it a few drops of lemon juice can add a tablespoon of ground chickpeas, Mix all the ingredients well and then Start in the individual mixture on your skin completely, leave the mixture for the face 20 minutes before evaluating washed with lukewarm water then rosewater, Repeat this method daily or more than once a day and you will notice the difference yourself.


Turmeric is considered one of the most important natural elements in the skin, which supplies much of the skin care benefits, as it helps in the treatment of all the problems facing the skin.

National amount of suitable turmeric with drops of fresh lime juice, mix and add a little powdered milk or raw milk by a large spoon, mix the ingredients well and nationalist Pferdha on the face and hands or areas that suffer from darkening in color, leave the mixture on your skin to dry completely and then wash it off with water cold will quickly notice the result.

Skin Care Tips

1. allocated Care by skin type

Taatmkny to take care of your skin and treat it properly you should first know the kind and the acquisition of appropriate products, dry Valepeshrh, for example, differ in their requirements for these fatty acids, and mixed her skin specificities, and the sensitive skin require different care.

2. attention to sensitive areas

Are some areas in the face of high and especially the eyes and lips circle of weak skin, they are very sensitive and require careful attention.

3. kindness when cleaning

The skin is very delicate, and take care of it first begin attention cleanliness and good selection of appropriate make-up remover her, and it is advisable to have a neutral pH, gently cleans your skin and softness without harm or upset its balance.

4. Eyes restricted area

The skin around the eyes the distinction of being the highest ten times than those that cover the rest of the face, they are weak and fragile and prone to wrinkles at the earliest, so do not Taathaona in the allocation of a daily routine to take care of this region and cleaned by a high-quality makeup and Custom Eye Remover.

5. Peel is essential

National using the product for peeling skin and rid it of dead skin once or twice a week at most, and was keen to be peeled effective and at the same time pleasant and a pH moderate in line with the nature of your face, Viattiyk purity and smoothness while maintaining the balance of your skin.

6. humidification

Water is essential to the health and youthfulness of your face It represents 15% of skin components and 70% of the layer underneath components (dermis), so in addition to drinking water in abundance you have to moisturizing creams Tstamli on a daily basis to keep up the moisture of your skin, and you can put the masks moisturizing of time to time, and leave the skin are absorbed by a bit, then Drain excess using a sprayer filled with mineral water.

7. chose hypoallergenic makeup

In order to avoid cases of allergy caused by the use of cosmetics is appropriate, national selection of products bearing the words "non-allergenic" or hypoallergenic they are made of materials that respects all skin types and in line with it.

8. sun protection

Whatever the season of the year and the weather prevailing Ngvla never put on a condom Solar is working to protect you from the sun's harmful rays that are harmful to the skin and speed up her old age. Sunscreen can be compensated by the acquisition of daily care products containing solar filters.

9. Beware of external factors

The resulting smoke and chemicals widespread air pollution in the quarters, is very harmful to skin, so before you go out, you develop special products to protect your skin from the ocean factors, NATIONAL then clean it well when you return to the house. As well as the pressure is on the skin, constant touch and rub violent behaviors harmful to you must be avoided.

10. not to neglect the lips

The lip area is very sensitive and susceptible to damage and cracks, so it is important that Tstamli lip balm whenever I felt that your lips need to nourish and moisturize.

3 recipes for the treatment of natural suntan

6. humidification

Water is essential to the health and youthfulness of your face It represents 15% of skin components and 70% of the layer underneath components (dermis), so in addition to drinking water in abundance you have to moisturizing creams Tstamli on a daily basis to keep up the moisture of your skin, and you can put the masks moisturizing of time to time, and leave the skin are absorbed by a bit, then Drain excess using a sprayer filled with mineral water.

7. chose hypoallergenic makeup

In order to avoid cases of allergy caused by the use of cosmetics is appropriate, national selection of products bearing the words "non-allergenic" or hypoallergenic they are made of materials that respects all skin types and in line with it.

8. sun protection

Whatever the season of the year and the weather prevailing Ngvla never put on a condom Solar is working to protect you from the sun's harmful rays that are harmful to the skin and speed up her old age. Sunscreen can be compensated by the acquisition of daily care products containing solar filters.

9. Beware of external factors

The resulting smoke and chemicals widespread air pollution in the quarters, is very harmful to skin, so before you go out, you develop special products to protect your skin from the ocean factors, NATIONAL then clean it well when you return to the house. As well as the pressure is on the skin, constant touch and rub violent behaviors harmful to you must be avoided.

10. not to neglect the lips

The lip area is very sensitive and susceptible to damage and cracks, so it is important that Tstamli lip balm whenever I felt that your lips need to nourish and moisturize.

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      شــــــــــــاهد الان البث المباشر لمباراة النهائي (( الاهلي × تاونشيب )) من هنـــــــــــــأأأأأأ

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      شــــــــــــاهد الان البث المباشر لمباراة النهائي (( الاهلي × تاونشيب )) من هنـــــــــــــأأأأأأ

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      شــــــــــــاهد الان البث المباشر لمباراة النهائي (( الاهلي × تاونشيب )) من هنـــــــــــــأأأأأأ

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