Sunday, June 12, 2016

Sensitive by several factors and daily habits Kalotamh you eat the area affected, the quality of underwear, methods of hair removal and personal care.

But nevertheless, the smell of the vagina that continued non-grainy for long periods for no apparent reason, it may be due to the risk of developing some diseases, then you should consult your doctor.

Here are some tips and natural ways to care for the sensitive area and get rid of vaginal odor.

1. proper care of sensitive region

When you see any strange smell to the area of ​​the vagina, Begin First, clean it well using types assigned to care for the sensitive region antiseptic washes. Use gentle soaps and non-scented cleaning the vagina well. Repeat regularly while showering.

Beware of the use of chemical types of soap, can cause skin infections, leading to the accumulation of bacteria and fungi. Sensitive area suitable environment conducive to the accumulation of bacteria and fungi that grow in wet areas.

2. Drink water

To maintain the health of the sensitive area and protect them from drought, it is necessary to drink copious amounts of water to keep the internal hydration of the body.

With dehydration, the body may not be able to get rid of the accumulated toxins and harmful bacteria, which leads to infection with many health problems including vaginal odor embarrassing. Make sure to drink copious amounts of water during the day to protect your health and care of the vaginal area.

3. Fenugreek

The ring of the most effective natural ways to get rid of vaginal odor non-grainy. Helping fenugreek seeds through the balance of female hormones levels. It is also the active ingredients to boost the immune system to reduce chances of infection fungal and bacterial.

In addition, the track to slow the absorption of sugar in the stomach, leading to reduce blood sugar levels.

You can drink hot ring by adding a teaspoon of dried fenugreek seeds into a glass of water, then boil on the fire for a few minutes. Or soak the spoon or two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in warm water, then leave all night and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

4. yogurt

Yogurt are also healthy food that helps to get rid of vaginal odor. It is a rich source of enzymes Probiotics, which help to keep the levels of acidity of the vagina, which works to get rid of vaginal odor.

Eat a cup of yogurt a day during your diet for the prevention of vaginal odor unpleasant.

5. Baking soda

Baking soda or bicarbonate of soda from the available ingredients in most homes, which helps balance the body's acidity levels. Through the balance pH levels, you can get rid of those embarrassing odor of the vagina easily.

National dissolving a tablespoon of baking soda into a glass of warm water, and Tnaouliha throughout the day for a few consecutive days.

Or national by adding 3 tablespoons of baking soda to 2 liters of warm Astkhaddmiha to rinse the sensitive area of ​​water. It is the rapid treatments that are used to eliminate vaginal odor.

Discover the best recipes proven to lighten the bikini area easily and safely.

1. recipe option with lemon juice

Mix half the grated cucumber fruit with the juice of half a lemon. The resulting mixture is used to scrub sensitive area, and then leave it for half an hour before they rinsed thoroughly. Lemon juice contains a large percentage of vitamin C, which is characterized by properties effective for skin lightening and removing browning.

2. recipe yogurt with orange peels

Mix the dried orange peel powder with the appropriate amount of yogurt to get a thick mixture. Resulting mixture is used on the bikini area for half an hour, then rub well and then rinse with warm water.

3. The recipe olive oil

Use olive oil regularly to moisturize the sensitive region, especially after the hair helps to avoid browning remove. Where olive oil contains massive amounts of antioxidants, which help repair damaged skin. Use a little olive oil to massage the sensitive area after bathing to maintain hydration.

4. recipe lemon juice

Dip a piece of cotton in fresh lemon juice, Astkhaddmiha to massage the sensitive area. Leave it for a quarter of an hour in order to help the lemon juice to lighten dark places. Then, thoroughly rinsed with warm water, followed by using coconut oil to moisturize.

5. peeled almonds

Soak some almond kernels in water overnight, then peel and grind well the next day. Mix ground almonds powder with a little milk to get a thick mixture, the resulting mixture is used to remove dead skin and lighten dark places.

Tips and recipes to keep clean intimate region

Harmful habits:

Do not do rinse the area mouthwash contains a foam material, even vaginal discharge does not increase and cause infections or aroma is grainy

Make sure not to wound evaluating this area while removing hair of them do not even Tzbba in the incidence of infections and the emergence of grain, this region skin is sensitive and should not be dealt with firmly

Do not leave even hair short in this area, make sure to remove it completely all the time so as not to cause a lack of cleanliness and smell bad

Important Tips:

When you rinse the area cleaned, Take Action from front to back and not vice versa, so as to prevent contamination from bacteria anus

Remedial vaginal infections as they emerge across the pharmaceutical so special, if there is any inflammation Harta you should visit a specialist doctor

Wear cotton underwear does not cause infections of this region, any other material such as neon or polyester may cause bacteria as a result of increased heat and Alrtoulh other non-cotton fabrics

Use daily sanitary pads must be those made from cotton to absorb any secretions or sweats, and must be disposed of at the end of the day

Must Tub after practicing intimacy directly or wait until later not Tsaba any bacteria lead to infections

Continuous rinsing is important and must be drying thoroughly after rinsing, so do not stop any remaining water where
A great recipe to get rid of any unpleasant odor:

Nationalist bring out a bottle of spray, and Put the boiling water and the amount of rose water and some beads and some musk time points, Akhlatihm well, after all bathing national spraying the mixture on the entire region, and you will feel the difference.

Cream of zinc oxide:

The Koran, which consists of zinc oxide of the most important and the best creams of this region, which is completely safe for sensitive area, where is also used for a baby when changing diapers, which is an ideal solution for you you also to prevent and get rid of any bacteria or infections, make sure to put it after hair removal , so as not to show any inflammation or pills, as well as put it appeared if you have any infections or fungi will help with the permanent Nzaftk get rid of these problems

Tips to keep your personal feminine hygiene


Maintaining the sensitive area only cleaned is not limited but generally Tub helps get rid of dead skin cells that accumulate and can lead to clogged pores of the skin and skin pallor and the showers a day prevents the transmission of bacterial infection of the body for the region intimacy. Use a shower gel or soap is gentle on the skin to keep it from drying out and prefer to use lukewarm water, which may result in the use of hot water to skin dryness and roughness.

Daily care sensitive area:

You must use a special lotion intimacy in the region to be cleaned on a daily basis to be balanced gentle cleanser so as not to cause skin inflammation. And must not be excessive use of soap in this region because it works to eliminate the natural secretions that contain anti-bacterial and fungi also can cause infections and dehydration. So the medical soap used to wash the external area while lye is used in the cleanliness of the internal parts. It must drying intimate private area and keep dry with a towel. Also must wear cotton underwear and change them at least once a day.

Personal care during the menstrual cycle:

Care must be taken to clean the intimacy region in particular at this time of the month to prevent infection by bacteria, fungi, and to avoid the smell of others grainy, make sure to change your sanitary towels throughout the day (do not use the towel for more than 8 hours), and contrary to what you think a lot of the ladies and girls, it should not use lye with a pungent odor is quite sufficient to use the water at this time of the month and can be used lye after the end of the menstrual cycle.

Wear comfortable underwear:

Doctors are advised not to wear tight underwear or containing industrial fabrics that do not absorb sweat and humidity in this region leading to the scents of others are grainy and infection by bacteria and fungi that can cause itching and inflammation. So it's best to wear cotton clothes and comfortable that absorbs moisture and sweat as it should change underwear constantly, especially before going to sleep. You can use thin cotton towels daily and that helps absorb secretions and moisture.

Care sensitive region after the intimate relationship:

More things that can cause the formation of secretions and odors is a lack of attention to the cleanliness of the sensitive area after the intimate relationship, and advised doctors using warm water and lye or mild soap water after intimacy directly (in the case of planning for pregnancy should wait for two hours before cleaning the sensitive area) to avoid injury bacteria and fungi you and your partner.

Allovh constantly changing:

It is very wrong to use habits Allovh or private body for cleaning and drying the sensitive area in the towel because Allovh has been working on the transfer of bacteria and fungus from the body intimacy of the area, or vice versa. So prefer to use loofah or a piece of clean cloth to clean the sensitive area only, taking care to clean them on a continuous basis or change and not used on other parts of the body.

A healthy balanced diet:

Majoritarian intake of fruits and green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and yogurt, which are considered a good source of beneficial bacteria that protect intimacy area of ​​infection. Add the garlic to the food to maintain the health of sensitive region where contains natural antibacterial and that work on the prevention of fungal yeast infection is common, and getting rid of odors. Drink water in abundance (at least eight glasses a day) works to moisturize the skin and protect the vagina from drying out.
Follow these tips to keep clean the area of ​​intimacy Tbakan always refreshed.

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