How body care covers many different aspects, such as skin care, teeth, hair, and care include cleanliness, maintaining health, beauty, and for an integrated care we offer you some tips: Keep your body clean and beauty by: I showered every day, Use the bathroom fiber with a proper and gentle shower fluid on your skin to rub your body well to remove dirt and dead cells. Prepare a mixture of lemon juice, sugar and olive oil and rub your body mixture once a week to peel it. Dry your body well after bathing, and distribute a layer of moisturizing cream. I wear cotton underwear, not any other type of fabrics especially industrial, they are suitable for the skin, and the sweat sucks effectively. Keep your mouth clean continuously: brush your teeth with a toothbrush and paste, and also use the dental floss to remove the rest of the food between them, and consult the dentist every period of make sure your teeth are healthy and free from decay, and make a special cleaning for them to remove the lime layers that accumulate over time, and remember that Neglecting oral hygiene leads to foul odor, also causing tooth decay. You have to remove excess hair from your body whenever it grows correctly, and in this regard we offer you some tips: use the sweetness or the hair removal machine that removes the hair from its roots, and don't use the shaver because it lasts only two days and the hair returns to appear, as it can be harsh on your skin, and cause you The wounds. If you're in a hurry and have to use a shaver, you have to use a decent shaving cream, and you have to choose a good quality, sharp machine so you don't have to shave the hair back and forth but once. Take care of your hair and take care of its health and cleanliness as follows: Wash your hair two or three times a week, using the right shampoo for your hair type. Cut your hair limbs every two months to remove the scaly limbs. If your hair is dry or normal, make him a bath oil every week, by choosing one of the oils such as olive oil or coconut oil, or almond oil or castor oil, or tie it together and rub your hair and leave it for half an hour. Cut your nails on a regular basis, keep them polite and with equal lengths using sharp nail scissors, and just use it for your nails, you're going to use it for other purposes. The deformity of his sharp limbs leaves an irregular shape on your fingernail at a story, and you keep your nails clean, the egg yolk mask, the olive oil and the agmer. Your nails in it for a quarter of an hour, to strengthen them and accelerate their growth. Clean your ears using a paper napkin from inside and out once a week, and don't overdo it, the sticky article protects your ear from harmful objects.