Sunday, March 25, 2018

The man loves breaking the routine, during the intimacy as he always wishes to exercise his wife some behaviors, which ignite the desire, and make them at their peak, but he never reveals that desire, and considers them a secret:

1. Interesting view
There is no doubt that the man is being fined again for his wife every time she looks so sexy, so women have to choose the right underwear and behave in a way that makes her husband feel the excitement; men are different from women in the way of sensationalism because they easily feel them through visual stimulation, and that's not The man never asks her as a mental secret that he prefers not to disclose.

2. Verbal or Visual communication
Communicating during an intimate relationship, both verbally and visually, is one of the most important things a wife can do to raise a man's excitement, so that she can example, to communicate with the husband in her eyes, to find out what he wants during the intimate relationship, in addition to expressing her love for him at the time of the relationship Intimate precisely, looking directly into his eyes.

3. Renewal of the relationship
This renewal includes the wife's consent to the experience of new intimate positions, and her initiative, through her husband's question, all that matters to the man is the renewal of the relationship and breaking the routine.

4. Surprise
One of the most loved by a man is the reluctance of his wife to follow a certain tradition during the intimate relationship; that makes him bored and routine, so the surprise factor will impress inevitably, in the various matters affecting the intimate relationship, this includes choosing a wife for the clothes she shows in a new suit, or surprises him with some The behaviors he likes or choose the perfume he loves.

5. Seeing her body
Since a man is known to be a visual organism, he can be raised by relying on this particular sense, what he adores the man during the intimate relationship, ashamed of his request, is to see her body fully, and how he interacts during the relationship exercise.

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