A mixture for body whitening Many ladies are keen to keep their skin white-free from dark spots and skin pigmentation, so many of them use natural household blends, to be considered as safe and effective mixes in body whitening and inexpensive compared with expensive chemical cosmetics, Through this topic we will give you some of these mixtures. Mixes for body whitening mixture Licorice Blend Four spoons of ground licorice with a quarter of a cup of smooth cold milk, to get a coherent and thick paste, then put the mixture on the body parts to bleach and leave it to dry, then remove it using the medical cotton and cold-water body wash. Peeled Licorice Blend Three spoons of ground licorice with a spoon of crushed oats and three tablespoons of water homogeneous, and put the mixture on the body for about four minutes and then wash it with cold water. The turmeric mixture boiled three sticks of turmeric in a bowl of water on a quiet fire until the quantity of water was reduced, then left boiled until cooled and blended it with two spoons of cactus gel, three spoons of coconut oil uniformly, put the mixture on the body and leave it for an hour and then wash it with lukewarm water. The sour milk mixture blends a quantity of frozen yogurt cream with a homogenous amount of honey, putting the mixture on the body for half an hour and then washing it with water. Sour milk Lotion blends equal amounts of sour milk and rosewater with a smooth teaspoon of glycerine, and a mixture of skin with a blend and leaves it for a full night until the body absorbs it and washes it in the morning. The lentil mixes a glass of lentils into a bowl of water for a whole night, then filtered out of the water and finely grinding, and then blended the lentil with a quantity of juice tomatoes and two large tablespoons of coconut oil homogenous to get a cohesive paste, put the mixture on the body for a quarter of an hour then rub it and wash it with water. Mix option blend four spoons of cucumber mashed with two spoons of flour and half lemon juice uniformly to get a soft draw, put the mixture on the body and let it dry and then wash it with lukewarm water. Lemon mixture blends half lemon juice with a large spoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of glycerine smoothly, and put the mixture on the body with a scrub for two minutes and then bathe. The orange mixture blends the amount of powdered orange peel with a smooth cold milk to get soft dough, and put the mixture on the body for ten minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water. Coconut milk mixture and pineapple blend a cup of coconut milk with an equal amount of homogenous pineapple juice, and massage the body with the mixture using medical cotton minutes before bathing. Honey mixture blends a spoon of honey with half a cup of mint and a homogenous castor oil, then put the mixture on the body and leave it for a quarter of an hour before bathing.
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