Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Where is the writer who sees us as beautiful. . Like what we see in the woman's eyes? . "Shakespeare "
* If the woman enmities the beauty of the tooth. . She laughed with her eyes. . "Andre de Balzac" * If you see in the eyes of the woman Nora. . I know there's a fire in her heart. . The biggest thief under the Dome of the sky. . Beauty is the object in the eyes of a woman. . Dr. Jones.
* Any hair beyond the woman's eyes in magic. . "Shakespeare "
* In a woman's smile: The Greatness of life and its beauty. . In her eyes: Her gold and her depth. . "Tagore "
* You can read the story of a woman. . In her eyes. . Thomas Moore.
* The eye of a woman is a glamour that penetrates the imagination of his own rays and receives the inspiration of immortality. .  "Mustafa Sadiq al Rafai"
* The torch of the halher remains shining. . As long as the eyes of beautiful women do not shed their glare. . "Marcel Tenner "
* The meaning of Fitnah in beauty. . You love the woman in her eyes, but you still don't know their color. . "Labroère "
* Blackness. . Pearls in the eyes of women. . "Shakespeare " * The words that a woman says in her eyes... You need multiple dictionaries to interpret. . "s. P. o"
* When you talk to a woman. . Listen to what her eyes say. . Victor Hugo.
* The prettiest eyes and lie. . Women's eyes. .  "Like a Brazilian"
* Rich widow. . You cry with one eye, and you enjoy the other. . "Servants"
* When a woman gets angry she opens her eyes, and she is close. . "Kato "
* Eyes of a dry lake woman, but she can drop the greatest swimmers. . "Like Suri."
* I love a woman who shows grace in all her steps. . And the serenity of the sky in her eyes. . and dignity and love in every gesture of them. . Milton 
* The woman may see the man with her ears. . Before you see it in her eyes. .  "Amin Salama"
* Whenever I look at a woman's eyes. . I forgot my pain and grief. . "Hyne "
* The woman distinguishes the man with her eyes. . A man distinguishes a woman with his mind.  "Dommas

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