Monday, March 19, 2018

Many Moroccan men and others are also attracted to women's breeches, some of whom find and may keep their coffee chairs on streets, with their wide eyes as mice circling in their burrow, in front of women's and feminine buttocks of different kinds.

The women's butt is the most intriguing and instinct of a number of Moroccan men, such as other nationalities and, undoubtedly, have the magic of some more than a beautiful face or a visage, and perhaps they had more influence than decency and chastity, the buttocks of some became a constant disease.

Fashion and abnormality

The obsession of many men with women's asses comes in a feverish context of "fashion" that considers a woman or a beautiful girl who possesses a strong buttocks., in a blind imitation of the frenzied world fashion led by Kimberly Kardashian, actress, supermodel and American fashion designer.

Many women denounce the reduction of the beauty or the specific effects of women in their own butts, giving them all the information and sexual momentum, as they are merely members of body, and has no such power to become the centre of attention to the female body, as the woman's body and soul, mind and behavior and thought above all.

The sociology researcher, Ibtisam al-Awvir, said to Harriet that the man who is raised by the woman's butt when she passes in front of him is considered "sick", because supposedly a man is usually raised by a woman thanks to the beauty of her face, or to her handsomeness, or to her interesting strength, that's if we have enough physical side. "

The researcher adds that a man who does not look at all these physical traits, and only raises the shape of a woman's butt, translates a disease that may amount to anomalies in taste and thinking, "It's a shame to watch how the looks of dozens of men are related to the buttocks of a girl or lady passing in front of them on their way to work or to spend  its purposes.

Mohammed Sedqi, taxi driver for Basla, said to Harriet that he was "addicted" to looking at the women's asses, especially filled with them, according to his expression, that the women's butt symbolizes the fertility and physical strength of women, before the girls ' interest in the love of Dirdek to fattening their buttocks is flouted.

The mystery of excitement

Dr. Mustafa al-Rasi, doctor in the sexual sciences in Jeddah, confirmed that the buttocks occupy a place in the Arab-Islamic culture. Pivotal in the Secret Garden of Erotica dreams, no one denies the symbolism of a sexual symbolic and erotic attraction. "

The vertical wrote a while ago an article about the topic he said, "the moving buttocks are throwing their flames in all directions, whether they are reserved." In tight jeans, or hidden behind a petition, I say to Nafee Mawla ibn Omar (may Allaah be pleased with him):  "The best two-sided Agiza," and when asked about it he said :  "Many faces of the little miracle."

The head of the shrine, which described the good of the woman as "the smell of the outside, directed her with a soft, heavy-sided, buttocks," cited the great world of the Sikh in write "the Albumin in Halal Magic": "The buttock of an intermediary like a mountain of the ocean, Zaher Al Ain, infallible for the chin, has a ripple and a TRG."

"The Righteous Wife is values, morals and principles, and she does not just stand at her butt and make her in front," he said. The rear may be a reason for the man to be attracted to his wife, but sometimes it is only an explosive belt that blows the family and transmits them to impossible fragments "in his words.

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