Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Acne which is called blisters, constitutes acne inconvenience and depression on a daily basis who has acne, and can not be cured of acne quickly, but have slowly so that whenever one disappear and other shows, and likely that hormones have the most important role in the grain that appear on the skin appearance, They constitute a great inconvenience for young people, especially in adolescence and stage of young grain shows them on the face, can also appear opposed these pills such as pregnancy stage, when the advent of the menstrual cycle, and when you use the pill, and it appears on the face of some grain surface and in the neck , chest, shoulders, back, Vtad these areas from more areas containing sebaceous glands, and appear in multiple formats on Juwah descents are black or white heads, and Zaaan, conglomerates, bags. We will provide some solutions that Amenk be suitable for a natural and the most important solutions that help reduce the skin pills: first holder we will submitting holder yeast honey: so that the catcher will help to get a pure skin in a convenient and get rid of the annoying grain time and can work all once a week. Components: a spoonful of honey, one teaspoon yeast, one tablespoon plain milk, milk powder spoon. Mode of action: we mix all the ingredients together, and is placed on the face for half an hour, and after drying catcher we wash the face well with lukewarm water, and is then wiping the face with water Word, it is desirable that we work evaporated before putting catcher even be open pores. Second holder holder is Lemon: Lemon deemed to be of the best Alosat that helps to heal the skin and get rid of the problems in them, and by working on its use are getting a beautiful and free of grain skin. Lemon is put on the skin for a third of an hour from the way Qatanna during which removes all the pimples in the face, and pay attention to the lack of sun exposure. Catcher III: Mask yeast milk 3 tablespoons of yeast, with a glass of plain milk. Milk is mixed with yeast until dissolved yeast and is placed on the face for half an hour and then wash the face with lukewarm water, and put rosewater. Mask honey with olive oil: a spoonful of honey with half a teaspoon of olive oil. Mode of action: We Mix honey with olive oil and apply to the face by Qatanna, and is placed on the face for Nsq hour, wash the face with cold water, and then we put a piece of lemon skin to reduce fat. Mask of lettuce: We Bslq lettuce and keep the water in it, and rose water. Mode of action: We take boiled water and wash our face in it, and then we painted the face with rose water, which is the most important recipes that work to get rid of the grain. At the end of our saying that we say that clean skin is the dream of every girl and a young man, and for beautiful skin can through proper nutrition are the most important factors that lead to the freshness of the skin, and they do not contain pimples.

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