Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Girls care of every detail that can make them beautiful, elegant, hair and body, eyes, and hands, and perhaps focus of the girls on the hands, for several reasons, perhaps because they are the parts that appear in every cockeyed whether the girl was wearing a veil or not, it is also the part that rely in our business, obviously, writing and cleaning, so they are exposed to many harmful for the skin factors as materials for cleaning, and polluted water, burns, etc., and note that it appears in a different color from the rest of the hand, so we need a special and permanent care, the beginning of the protection of those factors then earned color Light and softness and femininity .. whatever we put creams, and recipes on the skin, they will as a result of temporary, as long as we come back exposed to water, chlorine, chemicals, heat and sun, so simple steps you can protect your hands from all causes black and harshness color change, for example, when the obvious and scanning nationalist wear gloves and will work out in the beginning is difficult, but you quickly Statadin them, Sthabaynha, because your hands will remain dry, and smooth even with tons of clear, surveying, and when you go out of the house Do not put Karim moist usual on your hands but Put a layer of sun cream your face, because the hand skin affected by sun and fastens completely Kphrh face, and for home businesses that do not Tsttiein glove use it, you have to work with your hands, but after the completion of which national Bdek your hands a little lemon, sugar and olive oil, then put your hands cream, and you will find good results . Now Anhinha prevention stage, we will begin steps to whiten and brighten your hands, and certainly the previous phase is very important because you will not say benefit from mixes and recipes | As long as your hands are subjected polluting factors, here are some mixtures bleach famous and effective: _ You can start by mixing the former lemon peel hands, and pave the way for the development of mixtures on them, because they will remove dirt layer of your hands, peel off the dead skin, and you can add moisturizing cream it will be effective and then my mix bleach ... The first mix / 1- ½ cup milk. 2 tablespoon sweet almond oil, 3 tablespoon reported grinded my 4- spoon glycerin liquid knock the application of the mixture: _ 1. Keep milk and rose oil in an empty cup, and introduce it to a microwave oven until just heated, and we will see change the color of milk due to the entry of molecules roses in it. 2. add the glycerin, and Nhrkh well 3. Now we are using the hands, so we soak every hand in the mixture for ten minutes and then washed with cold water, and put cream on them. This method is useful for lightening and perfumed hands, Tatterha, as well as in the nail to protect and strengthen it and you will feel softness and femininity beyond, and with repetition Sthoudlin on the desired color to your hands. Mix II / tablespoon fresh lemon juice three tablespoons glycerin teaspoon water potatoes refinery ten points of the summary of benzoin. Method of application / put materials together and Nkhaltha gradually and saves the mixture in a bottle in the refrigerator and used Kgshawl daily basis, and whenever I wanted to use his sign national well. This lye his striking effect in whitening and softening hands. Do not forget to put your hands on the cream moisturizer, conditioner before going to sleep. There are lots of mixes and recipes and creams that help you get a soft, white hands, but you attention and follow-up, to Onz negligence is the main cause of skin problems in the same hands.

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