Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It spreads usually acne in adolescence, whether for girls or for young people, and usually disappears in the twenties stage, and cause psychological stress and a state of anxiety, which causes the view is beautiful make us feel embarrassed, poor self-esteem, and anger, and may lead to isolation and away from the others, in normal cases, acne goes simple natural ways or drugs from the pharmacy, but it may be difficult to remove the grain sometimes calls go to doctors skin or to specialize so, and remains acne males longer than girls, and girls shall be by hormonal changes disappears or increased a certain period, such as a monthly cycle, it is necessary to know to wash skin and strongly rubbing makes acne put the worst, washing the skin twice daily soft soap is enough to clean it, but for the appearance of acne Vospabh may knots psychological or due to constipation or disorders of internal secretions or certain liver diseases or frequent intake buyer and coffee and materials fatty and chocolate, and the treatment shall avoid constipation, and skin exposure to the sun before sunset and sunrise and avoid the sun at noon rays, and drink water in the morning on an empty stomach with eating fruits and vegetables and drinking boiled thyme However Tlbej face him , and can be cured by the work of masks like his mask contains a tablespoon mixed with dual spindle configuration of brewer's yeast or baking with peel turnips and milk milk and hits a blender and mix is ​​placed on the face, or by using another holder containing a paste of fenugreek powder by tablespoons and a half with half a cup of water and lacquered flip him for half an hour, and then mixing one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of onion juice and applied to the face twice daily, or holder of the last to close the pores, where paint the skin of mind with slices of tomato five minutes it is rich in vitamins (a, b, c, d) and contain histidine skin tightening, and must use a few tips so that love does not leave marks on the skin and is not playing with love or attempt to remove it by hand or Vqah, increasing the spread of infections, and washing the face twice with soap appropriately, and attention for women and girls in the selection of powders cosmetics that may increase the acne, and the use of cream protective of the sun, do not use drugs without consulting a skin doctor or specialists cosmetics, there is no benefit to the treatment without follow the tips, and usually spreads to the face, shoulders, neck and arms, said that the subject of acne very important so you must take care Skin well, take care of acne in order not evolve theme becomes difficult to treat, and the shape becomes somewhat and everyone about them is because of that love on the skin disgusting, it should not be tolerated in this type of grain.

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