Friday, March 11, 2016

Facial beauty is keen Most of the girls in preserving the beauty of the outer good looks, which increases the attractiveness in front of others, and perhaps beautiful face in-form is the first thing that draws attention to women, especially if it has a net skin free from pimples and grain and wrinkles, as well as it is bound to be a private full in the area of ​​the cheeks; because the face containing the dissolved fat flaccid facial reduce private beauty after fluctuations in body weight between obesity and thinness. It is here we see a large turnout in recent times by the girls to perform some minor cosmetic surgery; injectables areas of the face Balfelr to get a face full and fleshy and free of fine lines and signs of aging; it helps to inflatable face rapidly and high efficacy, but you need those Pachtsasian operations to the use of professionals in aesthetic medicine for fear of the occurrence of any errors or troublesome health complications for women, so some of them to resort to replace it with some natural ways to get the same result. Fattening facial ways a natural blush disk gently: as the cheeks disk process fingers mild manner and nice most of the facial places motivate and stimulate blood circulation in the cheeks, and increase the supply and radiance, and helps inflated slightly, because the cheeks Rhodotorula suggest that they are fatter. Continuously facial moisturizing on a daily basis, while avoiding the use of dried skin face lotion; because they cause dehydration of the skin and increase the crack, and should put moisturizing creams rich in vitamin me before going to sleep. Sugar and shea butter mixture: This Catcher fit for inflatable face tight skin with facial peeling of dead cells, and can be done by mixing a little of the sugar with the weakness of shea butter with a well agitated and put it in the fridge until it becomes rigid, then singled on the face, especially the cheeks area for five minutes, then gently rubbed with the fingers in a circular motion nice, and then face a good wash with warm water and dry thoroughly. Mask Aloe Vera natural: The fruit of Aloe Vera amazing benefits to enhance the vitality of the skin and puff in an acceptable way with protection from dehydration and infections, so you can use aloe vera gel "Aloe Vera" Pferdh on the face and cheeks specifically, for about half an hour, and then rubbing gently in a circular motion to activate the cells in place , then rinse the face thoroughly with water, and dried with a clean towel, preferably repeat the catcher a day to get the best results.

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