Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The problem of cracking of the skin of the most common problems faced by individuals at certain times of the year, some we find Hiljowon of creams and cleansers to get rid of this problem, but they soon Mataud, once absorbed by the skin moisturizers and back skin stiff and Michqqa as in the past, the problem of cracking really exacerbated in a season winter, due to the lack of necessary for a smooth and pure skin obliges body moisture, So try to take care of your skin, the Getty does not worsen over the treatment of a cracked skin problems: there are many recipes, that will save you from cracking, and gives the skin softness and glow, the wanted to get rid of Alnhqqat you have to follow these following things, they are the most important things recommended by modern medicine. Including: 1. vitamins oil: This oil helps you get rid of the crack only Domi fat region cracked after bathing directly, because the skin after bathing be open pores, absorbs oil faster. You can use this oil three times a week, and you'll notice the difference. 2. Butter cracking: the use of cocoa butter on chapped lips drawer, but experience has shown that its effectiveness to get rid of all kinds of cracking that infect the skin, where paint the affected area gently and carefully more than once a day. 3. creams and oils: the proven effectiveness of creams and oils that contain collagen, because it works to hydrate the skin, and purification from impurities, and hide the effects of grain, eliminating the cracks of the skin. 4. sensitive skin: where medicine has proved Ohmahhma oil in a peeling of the skin and get rid of cracks resulting from fluctuations in the atmosphere, and also relieve the drought, which affects the outer layer of the skin oil. 5. Use warm water, and bitch about very hot water, in the winter period, and the water is very cold in the summer, because the water role in increasing the amount of cracking, and dress to be the water lukewarm, even in the cold winter times, because hot water pulls moisture from the the skin, and makes it detectors, and non-hydrated at all. Here now, dear reader some tips to be free from cracks again: 1.tnola many water quantities, because the water makes the body hydrated. 2.tnol vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C because it compensates the body and gives freshness. If cracks in the feet, prefer not to walk without shoes and wearing woolen stockings, that were cracks in the skin of the skin, prefer to stay away from cosmetics, because they lead to an increase of cracks, and the use of Alkrbm that contains a high proportion of moisturizers. Lukewarm water makes your skin soft, moist and protect it, try to stay away from very hot water bath because it works on the skin drying.

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