Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Facial pills of the most important and the most common problems pronounced among young people, girls, show these pills at different ages. Some of them shows him in his teens, and some of them at a young age, but the majority of cases the teen is the emergence of these pills, but the most important problems caused by the emergence of love young is working on causing drilled in the face with survival, leading to destabilization of the adolescent self-confidence, and shows usually grain in the face, neck, and back, and in many cases the grain appear on oily skin, we can put many natural mixtures or chemicals to remove grain from on the skin, but it is important to know that the grain that appear in the face, not from which to get the complete result without any complications or negative effects while working to cause the appearance of some scars or flushes contained his appearance on the skin, it must work to offer some advice that can be offered Anyone who has beans in his skin, and find natural solutions, including access to the best natural solutions will mention some of them: in the beginning can provide some tips geared to those who have grain in the skin by drinking large quantities of water to work to moisturize the skin, while working to eat non-food content on fats and oils, attention to personal hygiene with the face wash continuously, and the unequal weight to use for non-clean, and work to eat more vegetables, and not rubbing the skin or nail anything must be patient on the grain even disappear with itself. As some of the mixtures that can help in the work on grain disappearance and remove them from the face: First oats: is one of the mixtures task which greatly help to get rid of skin pills, we get two tablespoons of water with a spoonful of oatmeal, then Khalthm with each other, and placed on the face, with the left for a third hour to dry, and then wash the face with warm water, while working on eliminating grain altogether. The second mix egg whites: The egg whites of the most important admixtures which gives an awesome result at work, so that purify the skin, get rid of the grain in them, while working to clean the skin. Eggs are laid on the face using Qatanna while working to fully washed with water and lye before laying eggs, leaves on the face for twenty minutes, then wash the face. The third mixture is milk: Milk contains lactic acid so that it works to eliminate bacteria that lead to the appearance of grain, honey works to contain the anti-bacteria, fungi, put a spoonful of milk with a spoonful of honey, mix yogurt with honey well, with total harmony between the components until then placed on the face for twenty minutes, noting the change in skin color with Mahlahzh gradual disappearance of the grain. This beautiful speech finish our words to talk about getting rid of the existing grain skin and enjoy beautiful skin Alln, free of grain by giving some tips and recipes that give some cause to get beautiful skin like a mix eggs, oats, and milk mixture.

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