Friday, March 11, 2016

Contents 1 Water 2 story Zamzam water three virtues of Zamzam water 4 benefits of Zamzam water for the skin Water God said: "We made from water every living thing." [Al-Anbiya: 30]; water, the origin of life and the reason for its continuation and which created everything has grown, has been mentioned in the Holy Holy water in several places, said twenty-three species of water, for example, but not limited to water purification, and brackish water, and water bogs, etc., and also that water is the cause of life in this world is a form of punishment in the fire Visagy people from the water deadlines, waterproof pus and other and there is a kind of water was not mentioned in the Koran, but mentioned in the Sunnah, namely Zamzam water. Zamzam water story back story of Zamzam water is the emergence of the era of Abraham and Ishmael as stated in the term to talk to Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased as Bukhari; as Abraham ordered that his wife Hagar and son Ishmael down in the valley is a transplant, as described by the Qur'an and Atrkhma alone; and when he ran out of what she was carrying emigrated from the water and began to small tears took above the summits of mountains left and right of the valley in search of people without feasibility and done it seven times - and the mountains were two Safa and Marwa and what did become of the rituals of Hajj and Umrah, the Muslims, and when he despaired returned to her son to find him playing in the water that came out of the strike wing king; and since then the water in a continuous flow, named Zamzam water that name because Hagar the severity of her joy Npa water Tzmh took it. Preferred Zamzam water "well of Zamzam, one hundred of the most sacred wells and water on the face of the earth and the water from the eyes of a paradise." Summary virtues of Zamzam water in an interview Jaber bin Abdullah said: I heard the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him says: "Zamzam water is for drinking to him," narrated by Ibn Majah. It is drinking it to heal healed, and drink to go carefree went his main concern, and so on, And desirable when you drink Zamzam water follow the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him to receive direction and drinking with the right hand and basmalah and pray for what he wants, and drinking water three times and drinking one's fill them. The benefits of Zamzam water for the skin water of Zamzam water alkaline rich in nutrients for the skin and useful, which increases the focus where all ordinary water as well as the concentration of heavy metals such as lead and arsenic rate is very low, hence advised to drink Zamzam water fairly Drunk It improves the skin and provide them with lunch and lasting hydration, also recommended to add Zamzam water to the face masks and skin instead of ordinary water or mineral water, also advises as much as possible and face wash skin with Zamzam water and try to sustain it to eliminate skin problems from acne and freckles and others.

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