Sunday, June 12, 2016

Treatment of facial peels and skin
Stay away from the sun. If you are outside, using sunscreen SPF It protects you from UV rays.

2 get rid of facial peels using home remedies
Puree of fresh mint is placed in the bowl, and the juice is extracted from it. And placed fresh mint juice on your face. This home treatment can help you in the face peeling.

3. Develop Oil aloe vera on your face. Aloe vera is a natural therapy that is used for a long time for the treatment of skin peeling. It moisturizes the face, which helps to restore moisture to dry skin.

Restore moisture to the skin and peels Aluge.lan reason is the severe drought, and should moisturize your face.


Use hydrocortisone cream. Hydrocortisone cream soothes the skin.

Mixing it to get rid of facial peels easily

Discard peel the face with this mixture

Put a teaspoon sweet almond oil + small two tablespoons of honey + egg

Mix these ingredients and placed on the face for a quarter of an hour twice a day after washing face

Important tips for the treatment of facial peel

Drink six to eight glasses of water a day.

Reduce your use of topical ointments. If you tumble treat acne twice a day, do not use it only once a day or every other day.

Adding citrus such as oranges or grapefruit to your diet. This fruit is full of vitamins A, B and C, which help to keep the skin from peeling.

Honey on the places where the skin peel mode.

Put the honey on your skin for 45 minutes, then rinse. Honey does not irritate acne, but it helps to moisturize the skin.

I use a moisturizer every day. Choose moisturizers that do not contain dye or odors

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