Sunday, June 12, 2016

Enjoy Julianne Moore skin supple and radiant despite the fact that she has reached 54 years. It is imperative that the American actress has secrets that help them to enjoy the skin supple and is in session. So what are the secrets that followed ya see?

The development of oil for the skin
In the morning after washing her face with water, the Julianne Moore put moisturizer for the skin oil. Prefer to use natural oils such as olive oil or almond oil. Put a little oil on the skin, helps to hydrate and maintain freshness. The use of natural oils that protects the skin from wrinkles and premature aging of injury.
The use of solar condom
After setting the oil on the skin, put more sunscreen to protect her skin from the sun. Condom use solar throughout the year because it helps to protect the skin from the sun and air as well.

Avoid the sun as much as possible
The sun's rays are very harmful to skin, as it accelerates the process of being struck wrinkles and increase the appearance of freckles on them. So are Julianne Moore to avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible, although it put solar condoms all the time.

Will you also you will be asked Zahrtna such steps as do Julianne Moore?

How unpleasant smell of sweat generated:

Truth is simple and beyond generate the smell of armpits, a heavy sweat that may result due to hot weather or because of the exercise and not to wear suitable to absorb sweat or not exposed armpits for ventilation sufficient cotton clothes for the evaporation of sweat, which is a suitable environment to be bacteria that cause odor
Fortunately, this article contains a large collection of simple and wonderful household ingredients that help in solving the problem of the smell of armpits in content and easy

1. Apple cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar gorgeous and stunning right home Created considered it one of the most important natural clearers smell of race is also anti-bacterial, which prevents their formation and avoids the stench.
Moisten a cotton swab in apple cider vinegar and then used in the survey under your arms. This is going to get the skin and reduces the acidity of sweat and prevents formation of bacteria
Your use of the apple vinegar means that you used a clearers race-type deodorant
2. Baking soda:
Baking soda is considered one effective in dealing with underarm odor unpleasant household ingredients. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one tablespoon of lemon juice and a good heart, then put it on your arms and try to relax for 15 minutes, then rinse with water
** Another method can be used. Mix the starch with the baking soda and put it on your arms as this mixture helps to absorb excess sweat, which makes your arms straight, which prevents the formation of bacteria
** Enumerate dough baking soda using the amount of water and put it on your arms after a shower is preferable to put them some drops of tea oil
3. Lemon:
Acidic lemon properties greatly help in killing bacteria as the citric acid helps to change the race conditions, which reduces the growth of bacteria
** Soak a piece of cotton in the lemon juice and put it on your arms
** Put the lemon juice or diluted in one of the old bottles and put Kmattr naturally erode your arms every day before you leave the house
4. turnip juice:
Rapeseed is holding materials so after the age of turnip well and extract water put it under your arms, and this is enough to prevent the smell of armpits for a period of not less than 10 hours
5. Rose water:
No one misses the smell of water smart and refreshing roses. It is also the active ingredient in getting rid of the smell of sweat under the armpits. Using a piece of cotton moisten your arms with rose water and you'll find that amazing result
6. Radish:
Do you use radishes to get rid of the smell of armpits ??
Imagine that it already uses horseradish in getting rid of the smell of armpits by Tmrtin era of radishes and then place it some glycerol and his heart well and then put it in a bottle and leave it in the refrigerator
When using the former then the mixture well and used his sign first substitute for industrial deodorant
7. alum:
Using alum Kmazil sweat naturally for thousands of years. Just put some water on a piece of stone alum and put it lightly on your arms you'll find that the armpits may Jaffa on Chaos
8. sandalwood powder:
Mix sandalwood powder with water suitable to become a cohesive dough amount and then put it under your arms and leave for 15 minutes then rinse with water and you'll find that your skin is left dry, odorless and without sweat
** You can put some white vinegar on the previous dough and put it on your arms after a shower to work like a natural deodorant
9. tomato pulp:
What remains after the liquidation of tomatoes and put them in a blender his magic effect in getting rid of the bad smell of sweat. Put the amount of tomato pulp on your arms for 15 minutes and then wash then to endure their influence to curb the smell of sweat for several weeks

The best way to remove underarm hair

♥ plucking Palmlqat: a method used for hair removal using tweezers, the Bntv all his hair on end, the advantage of being able uprooting of hair from the root may take the long days to come back again may be up to a week, but before you use it on you very well cleaned with sterile before and after you use it to reduce the chances of any possible infection, and disadvantages of this method it's slow somewhat, as if she did not pick out the full hair can cause hair problem of non-Nami which causes blisters and outstanding, which are difficult to remove or handle.

♥ Use Sweetness "sweatshirt" is made by or honey Add the amount of suitable sugar with the same amount of water and lemon on the fire that hold together, then add to it olive oil and glycerin and left to dry and then be used or you can buy them ready, but prefers to be pharmacies to ensure that they are safe and reliable source of it, its flaws are very painful as well as Lift the skin and may cause long-term, but the advantages they are to open their region nicely and let go very smooth and hair does not grow long weeks and can be used for all skin without worry, may cause redness irritation at first but can be used with some refreshments and special creams allergies.

♥ use wax: the best way, but the most painful, where evaluating an individual wax on the area and then add a piece your cloth with wax a little and leave it to dry and then removed quickly extracted with hair, how wonderful where you disarm the hair from the root to leave his place soft and smooth, and the hair does not growing rapidly, but needs to be at least 3 weeks to grow back, and the hair gradually decreases with time, but you need because the hair is too long to remove it is better and easier, it may cause a bit of redness and irritation, but with the addition of refreshments quickly returning to normal.

♥ hair removal machines: electric machine with sharp blades operate electronically for hair removal in minutes, is less painful than the usual ways, but do not remove the hair from the root not soon grow again within two days at most, as the cause darkening of the skin and the appearance of grain and pimples third parties soft, causing irritation and redness and can cause wounds, but there are some machines that use tweezers, be less painful hair takes more time to grow.

 Laser: the use of lasers and casting a skin to destroy the roots of the hair permanently, how effective are turning a lot to it but you need 6 to 12 times by using a laser to the final destruction, as well as the hair does not grow for a period of between 6 to 12 months and then must have you back again to expose your skin to lasers, may cause redness and swelling as a result of shedding warm light prolonged and repeated skin periods, the laser does not work with white hair, so if Dickey bleached hair is not thinking in the laser as a solution, we must undertake this competent physician and reliable operation.

 Creams to prevent hair growth: is a medical creams are placed after all often do you use the method of hair removal, and would prefer to be a way tended hair from the root, and is used Karim immediately afterwards so that the hair begins to grow and stop using the Quran and repeat this method every time evaluating the removal of the hair until you notice his disappearance completely, you may not disappear completely, but will be less hair density often than before, you may need a long time to pray a little bit until the desired outcome.

 Creams Hair Removal: A group of creams that can be obtained from pharmacies and that work on the analysis of the links that bind proteins in both hair and then weakened and easily uprooted from the skin, the way is very easy and painless, but returning hair to grow quickly, as the cause darkening of the skin and hair density than It was .

Electrolysis: The doctor put a needle Dgarh in the root of each hair in the area and then destroy them by connecting needles electric current, it can only be used in small areas because it needs to double the time of the time, as you need to go every week until they are sure to get rid of the final hair, the way may cause swelling, redness, wounds that are difficult to remove.

 The use of razor blades: Use a razor for hair removal using a private women be fitted with oil, glycerol moisturizer for the skin, the blades are working to remove surface and soft skin layer of the skin blades so leave the place a rough and full of grains, the way quick, easy and painless but full of flaws, including the hair growth soon after only 24 hours, become rough area, and make the injury Hair non-Nami very easy, well that when the hair grows again be prominent and rough and is smooth as in the past, as well as become your skin in this black area, and also forget about the possibility of exposure to scratches and abrasions while use cipher.

Underarm whitening method:

1-nationalist painted dark area under the armpit olive oil, then rub nationalist half a lemon inside salt or bicarbonate Alsodio for 5 minutes a day.
2-mixing honey and milk Ribe and lemon juice together, and their fat region 10 a prevention, then washed with warm water.
3-work Jeenhmn baking soda with water, then rub with this region to get rid of dead skin cells.
4-use coconut oil Kmazil the smell of sweat, and are massaged by this region and leave it for 15 minutes, then washed with lukewarm water, twice daily.
5-use potato juice with lemon juice and fat area by day for a week.
6-work option and a mixture of lemon juice and rose water, and fat by region and left 15 minutes once a day.
Johnson 7-mixing powder with rose water with lemon, and put the mixture on the area 10 minutes a day.
8-placed Glycerin oil and powder Johnson a day, and leave 15 minutes and then wash them.
9-fat lemon juice region with apple cider vinegar with rose water at least ten minutes a day.
10-zone fat lemon juice then put starch to lighten it, and leave 10 minutes twice a day.

Some useful herbs to get rid of the smell of armpits:

1. Walnut leaves:
It is one of the useful herbs to get rid of the smell of armpits by grinding fresh leaves into a paste and then put it on your arms for 15 minutes and you'll find she had left a beautiful smell in addition to the dry race.

2. Lettuce:
In addition to all the benefits of lettuce for oily hair it is also useful in situations to get rid of the smell of armpits. Then grind some lettuce leaves to get the oil inside it and put it on the armpits and in order to get your best results use after bathing.

3. Rosemary (Rosemary):
Put some of the rosemary oil directly on the skin or even put your arms diluted with water and you'll find the results are spectacular.

4. Parsley:
Parsley private rid of the odor in general recipes so it is useful in such cases. Then grind some parsley leaves and then put it in a cup with boiling water and leave it soaked for 5 minutes then place the water bottom using a piece of cotton on the skin armpits
You can also put a fresh green leaves are also some chipping on the skin armpits He works Kmazil natural smell of sweat.

5. Lavender oil:
Is a beautiful lavender oil aromatherapy oils, which solved many of the problems of the skin is also useful to get rid of the smell of sweat does not need to be some drops of it just to put it on the skin armpits.

6. peppermint oil:
The mint recipes allow him to get rid of the bacteria so using some drops of peppermint on the armpits you can get rid of the smell of the final race and enjoy the smell of fresh and powerful

What you should do:

** Eat plenty of water and fluids
** Must be a lot of fruit and vegetable intake in times of extreme heat
** Hot Tub on a regular basis to prevent bacteria will be valid for the environment
** Wear cotton clothes absorbing perspiration
** Change regularly soiled Almmlabs
** Store your clothes in a well-ventilated place
** Try to stay in the afternoon hours in a air-conditioned places

What not to do:

** Avoid spicy foods and many foods spices and onions
** Altaatkulail of soda water intake
** Avoid smoking

Causes the darkening of the face
There are many reasons behind the infection Basmrar face:

Excessive exposure to the sun: Exposure to sunlight can cause skin darkening in different ways, the most common spots to be associated with age, whereupon the sun's rays to destroy the production cycle pigment in the skin, resulting in the appearance of dark spots on the skin.
Another way in which the sun's rays affect the skin are the appearance of freckles on the face, chest and shoulders.

Clotting melanin, melanin, to the emergence of clusters concentrated may lead under the skin, which can cause skin change color to brown, these clusters can be present from birth or may be formed in the later life of the person.

This type of browning known Balouhmat moles or skin dark.
Loss of pigment: These are called the situation vitiligo name, a disease that affects a small group of people around one person among every hundred, and although the main reason it is not known, but some reports indicate that it may result from abnormal nerve cells that lead to stop production pigment in the skin, or it can result from autoimmune through which white blood cells in the body attack the pigment cells and kill her problem.

Genetics: often the problem of darkening the face as a result of genes and genetics appear, if a parent is suffering from this problem will contract by at least one of their children.

Hormonal changes: such as those infected by the pregnant woman during pregnancy, or the time of the menstrual cycle of women.

Some medications such as antibiotics and hormone treatments, and drugs for some infections.

Injury or inflammation of the skin such as acne.

3 recipes for the treatment of natural suntan

- Mask sugar:

This mask is used to unify the color of the skin and get rid of browning output from the sun as it works to lighten skin color effectively and also doing a peeling of the skin to stimulate blood circulation and the renewal of cells and leaving it soft like the skin of children.

You need a little coarse sugar and drops of lemon and one teaspoon juice of natural bee honey can also add drops of any oil Otri Tvdilanh, Dress mixing all ingredients well in a suitable container and then Start in individual catcher on your skin with a massage very gently, leave the mask on your skin even completely dry and then rinse your face with cold water, Continue to repeat this catcher twice a week to get quick results.

-mask Yogurt and lemon:

Yogurt helps to soothe the skin from burns and is a strong factor moisturizer works to feed the skin of what they contain useful nutrients, as lemon is useful in tightening the skin and cleanse the pores of the business and stimulate blood circulation skin.

Bring a pot clean and nationalist put two tablespoons of yogurt by then add to it a few drops of lemon juice can add a tablespoon of ground chickpeas, Mix all the ingredients well and then Start in the individual mixture on your skin completely, leave the mixture for the face 20 minutes before evaluating washed with lukewarm water then rosewater, Repeat this method daily or more than once a day and you will notice the difference yourself.


Turmeric is considered one of the most important natural elements in the skin, which supplies much of the skin care benefits, as it helps in the treatment of all the problems facing the skin.

National amount of suitable turmeric with drops of fresh lime juice, mix and add a little powdered milk or raw milk by a large spoon, mix the ingredients well and nationalist Pferdha on the face and hands or areas that suffer from darkening in color, leave the mixture on your skin to dry completely and then wash it off with water cold will quickly notice the result.

Skin Care Tips

1. allocated Care by skin type

Taatmkny to take care of your skin and treat it properly you should first know the kind and the acquisition of appropriate products, dry Valepeshrh, for example, differ in their requirements for these fatty acids, and mixed her skin specificities, and the sensitive skin require different care.

2. attention to sensitive areas

Are some areas in the face of high and especially the eyes and lips circle of weak skin, they are very sensitive and require careful attention.

3. kindness when cleaning

The skin is very delicate, and take care of it first begin attention cleanliness and good selection of appropriate make-up remover her, and it is advisable to have a neutral pH, gently cleans your skin and softness without harm or upset its balance.

4. Eyes restricted area

The skin around the eyes the distinction of being the highest ten times than those that cover the rest of the face, they are weak and fragile and prone to wrinkles at the earliest, so do not Taathaona in the allocation of a daily routine to take care of this region and cleaned by a high-quality makeup and Custom Eye Remover.

5. Peel is essential

National using the product for peeling skin and rid it of dead skin once or twice a week at most, and was keen to be peeled effective and at the same time pleasant and a pH moderate in line with the nature of your face, Viattiyk purity and smoothness while maintaining the balance of your skin.

6. humidification

Water is essential to the health and youthfulness of your face It represents 15% of skin components and 70% of the layer underneath components (dermis), so in addition to drinking water in abundance you have to moisturizing creams Tstamli on a daily basis to keep up the moisture of your skin, and you can put the masks moisturizing of time to time, and leave the skin are absorbed by a bit, then Drain excess using a sprayer filled with mineral water.

7. chose hypoallergenic makeup

In order to avoid cases of allergy caused by the use of cosmetics is appropriate, national selection of products bearing the words "non-allergenic" or hypoallergenic they are made of materials that respects all skin types and in line with it.

8. sun protection

Whatever the season of the year and the weather prevailing Ngvla never put on a condom Solar is working to protect you from the sun's harmful rays that are harmful to the skin and speed up her old age. Sunscreen can be compensated by the acquisition of daily care products containing solar filters.

9. Beware of external factors

The resulting smoke and chemicals widespread air pollution in the quarters, is very harmful to skin, so before you go out, you develop special products to protect your skin from the ocean factors, NATIONAL then clean it well when you return to the house. As well as the pressure is on the skin, constant touch and rub violent behaviors harmful to you must be avoided.

10. not to neglect the lips

The lip area is very sensitive and susceptible to damage and cracks, so it is important that Tstamli lip balm whenever I felt that your lips need to nourish and moisturize.

3 recipes for the treatment of natural suntan

6. humidification

Water is essential to the health and youthfulness of your face It represents 15% of skin components and 70% of the layer underneath components (dermis), so in addition to drinking water in abundance you have to moisturizing creams Tstamli on a daily basis to keep up the moisture of your skin, and you can put the masks moisturizing of time to time, and leave the skin are absorbed by a bit, then Drain excess using a sprayer filled with mineral water.

7. chose hypoallergenic makeup

In order to avoid cases of allergy caused by the use of cosmetics is appropriate, national selection of products bearing the words "non-allergenic" or hypoallergenic they are made of materials that respects all skin types and in line with it.

8. sun protection

Whatever the season of the year and the weather prevailing Ngvla never put on a condom Solar is working to protect you from the sun's harmful rays that are harmful to the skin and speed up her old age. Sunscreen can be compensated by the acquisition of daily care products containing solar filters.

9. Beware of external factors

The resulting smoke and chemicals widespread air pollution in the quarters, is very harmful to skin, so before you go out, you develop special products to protect your skin from the ocean factors, NATIONAL then clean it well when you return to the house. As well as the pressure is on the skin, constant touch and rub violent behaviors harmful to you must be avoided.

10. not to neglect the lips

The lip area is very sensitive and susceptible to damage and cracks, so it is important that Tstamli lip balm whenever I felt that your lips need to nourish and moisturize.

Sensitive by several factors and daily habits Kalotamh you eat the area affected, the quality of underwear, methods of hair removal and personal care.

But nevertheless, the smell of the vagina that continued non-grainy for long periods for no apparent reason, it may be due to the risk of developing some diseases, then you should consult your doctor.

Here are some tips and natural ways to care for the sensitive area and get rid of vaginal odor.

1. proper care of sensitive region

When you see any strange smell to the area of ​​the vagina, Begin First, clean it well using types assigned to care for the sensitive region antiseptic washes. Use gentle soaps and non-scented cleaning the vagina well. Repeat regularly while showering.

Beware of the use of chemical types of soap, can cause skin infections, leading to the accumulation of bacteria and fungi. Sensitive area suitable environment conducive to the accumulation of bacteria and fungi that grow in wet areas.

2. Drink water

To maintain the health of the sensitive area and protect them from drought, it is necessary to drink copious amounts of water to keep the internal hydration of the body.

With dehydration, the body may not be able to get rid of the accumulated toxins and harmful bacteria, which leads to infection with many health problems including vaginal odor embarrassing. Make sure to drink copious amounts of water during the day to protect your health and care of the vaginal area.

3. Fenugreek

The ring of the most effective natural ways to get rid of vaginal odor non-grainy. Helping fenugreek seeds through the balance of female hormones levels. It is also the active ingredients to boost the immune system to reduce chances of infection fungal and bacterial.

In addition, the track to slow the absorption of sugar in the stomach, leading to reduce blood sugar levels.

You can drink hot ring by adding a teaspoon of dried fenugreek seeds into a glass of water, then boil on the fire for a few minutes. Or soak the spoon or two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in warm water, then leave all night and drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

4. yogurt

Yogurt are also healthy food that helps to get rid of vaginal odor. It is a rich source of enzymes Probiotics, which help to keep the levels of acidity of the vagina, which works to get rid of vaginal odor.

Eat a cup of yogurt a day during your diet for the prevention of vaginal odor unpleasant.

5. Baking soda

Baking soda or bicarbonate of soda from the available ingredients in most homes, which helps balance the body's acidity levels. Through the balance pH levels, you can get rid of those embarrassing odor of the vagina easily.

National dissolving a tablespoon of baking soda into a glass of warm water, and Tnaouliha throughout the day for a few consecutive days.

Or national by adding 3 tablespoons of baking soda to 2 liters of warm Astkhaddmiha to rinse the sensitive area of ​​water. It is the rapid treatments that are used to eliminate vaginal odor.

Discover the best recipes proven to lighten the bikini area easily and safely.

1. recipe option with lemon juice

Mix half the grated cucumber fruit with the juice of half a lemon. The resulting mixture is used to scrub sensitive area, and then leave it for half an hour before they rinsed thoroughly. Lemon juice contains a large percentage of vitamin C, which is characterized by properties effective for skin lightening and removing browning.

2. recipe yogurt with orange peels

Mix the dried orange peel powder with the appropriate amount of yogurt to get a thick mixture. Resulting mixture is used on the bikini area for half an hour, then rub well and then rinse with warm water.

3. The recipe olive oil

Use olive oil regularly to moisturize the sensitive region, especially after the hair helps to avoid browning remove. Where olive oil contains massive amounts of antioxidants, which help repair damaged skin. Use a little olive oil to massage the sensitive area after bathing to maintain hydration.

4. recipe lemon juice

Dip a piece of cotton in fresh lemon juice, Astkhaddmiha to massage the sensitive area. Leave it for a quarter of an hour in order to help the lemon juice to lighten dark places. Then, thoroughly rinsed with warm water, followed by using coconut oil to moisturize.

5. peeled almonds

Soak some almond kernels in water overnight, then peel and grind well the next day. Mix ground almonds powder with a little milk to get a thick mixture, the resulting mixture is used to remove dead skin and lighten dark places.

Tips and recipes to keep clean intimate region

Harmful habits:

Do not do rinse the area mouthwash contains a foam material, even vaginal discharge does not increase and cause infections or aroma is grainy

Make sure not to wound evaluating this area while removing hair of them do not even Tzbba in the incidence of infections and the emergence of grain, this region skin is sensitive and should not be dealt with firmly

Do not leave even hair short in this area, make sure to remove it completely all the time so as not to cause a lack of cleanliness and smell bad

Important Tips:

When you rinse the area cleaned, Take Action from front to back and not vice versa, so as to prevent contamination from bacteria anus

Remedial vaginal infections as they emerge across the pharmaceutical so special, if there is any inflammation Harta you should visit a specialist doctor

Wear cotton underwear does not cause infections of this region, any other material such as neon or polyester may cause bacteria as a result of increased heat and Alrtoulh other non-cotton fabrics

Use daily sanitary pads must be those made from cotton to absorb any secretions or sweats, and must be disposed of at the end of the day

Must Tub after practicing intimacy directly or wait until later not Tsaba any bacteria lead to infections

Continuous rinsing is important and must be drying thoroughly after rinsing, so do not stop any remaining water where
A great recipe to get rid of any unpleasant odor:

Nationalist bring out a bottle of spray, and Put the boiling water and the amount of rose water and some beads and some musk time points, Akhlatihm well, after all bathing national spraying the mixture on the entire region, and you will feel the difference.

Cream of zinc oxide:

The Koran, which consists of zinc oxide of the most important and the best creams of this region, which is completely safe for sensitive area, where is also used for a baby when changing diapers, which is an ideal solution for you you also to prevent and get rid of any bacteria or infections, make sure to put it after hair removal , so as not to show any inflammation or pills, as well as put it appeared if you have any infections or fungi will help with the permanent Nzaftk get rid of these problems

Tips to keep your personal feminine hygiene


Maintaining the sensitive area only cleaned is not limited but generally Tub helps get rid of dead skin cells that accumulate and can lead to clogged pores of the skin and skin pallor and the showers a day prevents the transmission of bacterial infection of the body for the region intimacy. Use a shower gel or soap is gentle on the skin to keep it from drying out and prefer to use lukewarm water, which may result in the use of hot water to skin dryness and roughness.

Daily care sensitive area:

You must use a special lotion intimacy in the region to be cleaned on a daily basis to be balanced gentle cleanser so as not to cause skin inflammation. And must not be excessive use of soap in this region because it works to eliminate the natural secretions that contain anti-bacterial and fungi also can cause infections and dehydration. So the medical soap used to wash the external area while lye is used in the cleanliness of the internal parts. It must drying intimate private area and keep dry with a towel. Also must wear cotton underwear and change them at least once a day.

Personal care during the menstrual cycle:

Care must be taken to clean the intimacy region in particular at this time of the month to prevent infection by bacteria, fungi, and to avoid the smell of others grainy, make sure to change your sanitary towels throughout the day (do not use the towel for more than 8 hours), and contrary to what you think a lot of the ladies and girls, it should not use lye with a pungent odor is quite sufficient to use the water at this time of the month and can be used lye after the end of the menstrual cycle.

Wear comfortable underwear:

Doctors are advised not to wear tight underwear or containing industrial fabrics that do not absorb sweat and humidity in this region leading to the scents of others are grainy and infection by bacteria and fungi that can cause itching and inflammation. So it's best to wear cotton clothes and comfortable that absorbs moisture and sweat as it should change underwear constantly, especially before going to sleep. You can use thin cotton towels daily and that helps absorb secretions and moisture.

Care sensitive region after the intimate relationship:

More things that can cause the formation of secretions and odors is a lack of attention to the cleanliness of the sensitive area after the intimate relationship, and advised doctors using warm water and lye or mild soap water after intimacy directly (in the case of planning for pregnancy should wait for two hours before cleaning the sensitive area) to avoid injury bacteria and fungi you and your partner.

Allovh constantly changing:

It is very wrong to use habits Allovh or private body for cleaning and drying the sensitive area in the towel because Allovh has been working on the transfer of bacteria and fungus from the body intimacy of the area, or vice versa. So prefer to use loofah or a piece of clean cloth to clean the sensitive area only, taking care to clean them on a continuous basis or change and not used on other parts of the body.

A healthy balanced diet:

Majoritarian intake of fruits and green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and yogurt, which are considered a good source of beneficial bacteria that protect intimacy area of ​​infection. Add the garlic to the food to maintain the health of sensitive region where contains natural antibacterial and that work on the prevention of fungal yeast infection is common, and getting rid of odors. Drink water in abundance (at least eight glasses a day) works to moisturize the skin and protect the vagina from drying out.
Follow these tips to keep clean the area of ​​intimacy Tbakan always refreshed.

Treatment of facial peels and skin
Stay away from the sun. If you are outside, using sunscreen SPF It protects you from UV rays.

2 get rid of facial peels using home remedies
Puree of fresh mint is placed in the bowl, and the juice is extracted from it. And placed fresh mint juice on your face. This home treatment can help you in the face peeling.

3. Develop Oil aloe vera on your face. Aloe vera is a natural therapy that is used for a long time for the treatment of skin peeling. It moisturizes the face, which helps to restore moisture to dry skin.

Restore moisture to the skin and peels Aluge.lan reason is the severe drought, and should moisturize your face.


Use hydrocortisone cream. Hydrocortisone cream soothes the skin.

Mixing it to get rid of facial peels easily

Discard peel the face with this mixture

Put a teaspoon sweet almond oil + small two tablespoons of honey + egg

Mix these ingredients and placed on the face for a quarter of an hour twice a day after washing face

Important tips for the treatment of facial peel

Drink six to eight glasses of water a day.

Reduce your use of topical ointments. If you tumble treat acne twice a day, do not use it only once a day or every other day.

Adding citrus such as oranges or grapefruit to your diet. This fruit is full of vitamins A, B and C, which help to keep the skin from peeling.

Honey on the places where the skin peel mode.

Put the honey on your skin for 45 minutes, then rinse. Honey does not irritate acne, but it helps to moisturize the skin.

I use a moisturizer every day. Choose moisturizers that do not contain dye or odors

Open up sensitive areas is no longer a problem you'll learn about in this article on the most important natural recipes that help you get rid of the darkening of these areas and you open the darkening or darkening of sensitive areas or dark lines under the armpits or in any other areas, are usually a nuisance for order and can be this browning as a result of many different such as sweating reasons, rashes, and anger, and clothes to wear polyester, if you use deodorants that do not fit your skin, or if you are using razors or lotions hair removal, and so on all or any one of these can be the reason behind the darkening of sensitive areas and there are many styles to hide or get rid of those tan lines or natural and simple ways, but the Almighty us know first on the causes of this browning detail

Reasons blackness in sensitive areas
The use of race is not suitable for your skin remover
Not all antiperspirants and deodorants available in the market are suitable for everyone. Some people can be interactions inflammatory develop on exposed areas of the skin and cause discoloration due to natural feedback on alcohol and chemicals in the remover Alano.azm these chemical sprays to help get rid of the smell of sweat for some time after it leaves behind the darkening of these areas, it is best not to use a lot of removers race and go for some home remedies
Hair removal is one of the main reasons cipher blackness underarms
Cipher hair removal, especially under the armpits is considered one of the main reasons for darkening the armpit. Shave lead to hardening of the skin and Soadeh with the passage of time because of irritability and abrasion that occurs Tabieifmn better to use home remedies for hair removal instead of cosmetic creams and Alhvrhaerqaltarq excessive and ill-ventilated underarms is also one of the main reasons for darkening the armpit. And the bikinis line and wearing tight clothing prevents the skin from breathing, making eventual darkening this Almnatqahawak Alosaudalochkas who suffer from obesity or diabetes may face they have a condition called black thorns This occurs when insulin excess flows in the course of the excess Dam.alinsulan can cause pigmentation cells the skin to become overstimulated which leads to an abnormal skin growth, darkening later underarms
Wear polyester clothes
 It is recommended not to wear consisting of polyester clothes because they lead to a variety of skin problems. Wear clothes made of polyester material is not good for health at all, and can easily cause darkening of sensitive areas because it prevents the body properly Altdechinintj ventilation for smoking tobacco. The appearance of dark spots if he continues smoking. When you stop smoking, these spots disappear Aldaknh.alsoad in sensitive areas during pregnancy and is often observed in pregnant women that they suffer from the condition, skin discoloration in areas including the underarms happen. The reasons are not known, but often disappears after the birth of this black and can be tan or freckles happen also in women using contraception through the mouth, and those that are exposed to any hormone replacement therapies.
Home remedies to lighten sensitive area
1_tnziv skin
Rub the skin in a natural way at home this successful and safe way to remove dead skin that accumulates in the armpit area which causes the darkening of the skin. You can use baking soda and flour chickpeas with small amounts of water and rub the areas to be cleaned
 2_alasl and lemon to lighten sensitive spokesman
Make a mixture of lemon juice and honey in small quantities, no more than one teaspoon each of them and put this mixture on the armpits and allow him to stay for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water. This could be the procedure before taking a shower.
3_alkhiar turmeric

Extract the juice of cucumber and mixed with turmeric and put this mixture on the affected area. This treatment is also treated in an effective manner
4_zi coconut reduces blackness underarms

 Coconut oil is a good remedy for darkening armpits and other areas and coconut oil reduces darkening the armpit with the passage of time these areas Daomyaly fat in coconut oil twice a week
5_aorac mint to open up sensitive areas
Mint leaves are very good for the skin whitening use this treatment Ahakiq results Ovdilo easy to get this treatment, all you have to do is take some of the mint leaves and create a paste to beat him in a blender with some water. And add a tablespoon of honey and mix well. And placed on the black area, you will notice the difference in a few days
6_khcb sandalwood to lighten sensitive areas
You should know the advantages offered by sandalwood in the care of your skin and that people are using sandalwood specifically to treat a variety of skin problems. Sandalwood has antiseptic properties, you can use it for an exemption from the wounds. If you have dark stains on the underarms or groin Put sandalwood paste to treat these areas
7_ tomatoes
Buttocks and thighs are often sober darker than the rest of the body. You can also take the core of tomatoes, put them on the bikini area and other parts of the inner thigh and under the armpits and on the dark spots and leave it for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. It used regularly once a week and you'll notice the result
8_zi olives
Massage black bikini area or underarms essential olive oil and leave it overnight. This therapy not only helps in alleviating dark lines, but also reduces wrinkles and moisturizes the skin's surface
Turmeric is used to lighten dark spots and get the skin shiny. You can easily find the ingredients used in this recipe 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and milk ingredients mixing well you get a smooth paste and apply it gently in a circular motion on the affected area. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and rinse with cold water. Follow this treatment three times a week, preferably before showering
10_akecr Yogurt with oranges to brighten the sensitive areas
Ajafivy orange peels in the oven and leave it to become brown and Athaniha Almshoukma Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt, a tablespoon of honey. Amsjhm and put it on the areas to be Fahaahzh was the most important natural recipes to brighten the sensitive areas

Friday, June 10, 2016

If you want to have a bright complexion flawless, and tufts of hair shiny, smile white radioactive and condemns Sahrtin .. You start making sure your choice wedding ring is appropriate dress, and the search for beauty is suitable for interesting Batalaltk center, and an effective diet, physical exercise and yoga to relieve stress, solve skin problems, many things; because you get a result that you dream of in this special day.

1 - Learn how Tsaatrin the stress of the first day. You can not count beauty tips from the top of your head so that the soles of your feet, as you can not control it without the obligation of plans wedding day; the pressure and stress may Akunan reason (at least partially) in many cases of skin inflammation in the front area, and tension (according to experts) weakens the immune system and exacerbate the problem of infections .. can also be of concern to adversely affect your sleep; what leads to fatigue and pallor of the skin. What you have to do to calm down your nerves, through the intensification of yoga exercises and meditation, in order to get the comfort and clarity of mind.

2 - Book Your appointment with a dermatologist, even if it was for the first time in your life; it is possible that there are areas or small patches in need of treatment. So you go to a specialist in dermatology to diagnose the condition of your skin; he knows more than you estimate what you need your skin.

3 - Some experts say: Although the production of dozens of cosmetics is renewed, it is not easy to replace preparations containing material retinol, which is affiliated to the old school, which is derived from vitamin A, so struggling clogged pores and promote collagen, but it may cause little redness or scaling, so experts advise using retinol eight weeks before the wedding date.

4 - Try to Find Beauty expert you trust, and listen to you well, and devotes his attention to you, and give you more than words .. Some beauty experts are focusing on profit more than the result, they say more than they do.

5 - majoritarian from drinking green juices such as cucumber, spinach juice, and refrain from soft drinks that contain sugar, because you get a skin supple and bright free from bloating.

6 - Discard stress that causes fatigue in the skin, and Follow the address led system; The system led to an effective facial skin redness Taalgi affected by the sun's rays and by not using sunscreen.

7 - The Pros clean the skin out dirt to the surface and remove impurities, but the disadvantages of skin irritation and sometimes pimples, so it's good clean skin before the wedding three months later.

 8 - exercise is ideal for improving skin and directed by toxins, especially if subjected to massage the skin of your body after that.

9 - It's good to use some disinfectant facial oils and active circulation.

10 - national body peeling skin to stimulate blood circulation, and edit the collected fluid in the skin, and relieve toxins .. using a paring tools for three times a week before the shower, then put a humidifier.

11 - Discard dark spots and dead skin on the chest area, using the Skin of a medical effect safe care; these more sensitive than the facial region.

12 - Get the appropriate body lotion, and Take care of your body as much as your interest in your face, and use lotions that contain antioxidants, such as vitamins A, C, E and Glesoled and moisturizer.

13 - Use of the area elbow and knee own brush and rub the area, then Rdobaha. The back of the arms, which are exposed to damage and drought, they also need special attention.

14 - a long, healthy and shiny hair, take overdoses of protein, massaging your scalp massage, the blood flows to the scalp.

Because internal factors have the greatest influence on your hair, healthy food such as avocados eat, and Awwada lack of vitamins vegetables and fruits, organic eggs and meat, and most importantly Avoid stress.

15 - to Tharba curly hair dry, I deal cautiously with saloons that address by chemical creatine, and make sure when you want to use creatine you that you can have the normal ones, and do not forget to use months before the wedding date.
16 - Be careful while using hair dyes, and do not forget the rule that says that you should not change the hair color to a new color just before the wedding day, not only to tracking fashion. And when you want to lighten your hair or make it more dark, stick to shades appropriate to the nature of your skin and hair, and use the right shampoo for dyed hair, Tafrti not in use.

17 - If your hair is dyed Do not use balsamic only on the parties.

18 - Choose a hairstyle appropriate for you in advance, do not overdo it; there is a difference between being a wonderful and Atalaltk Being a creature stranger .. do not like you being natural.

19 - Choose a make-up that fits imaging, and make Macaiajk prominent to some extent, even if you're not a fan of make-up.

20 - Use a cream base, which gives a sense of silk that suits your skin tone and nature.

21 - my plans for the views without radical change, for Being happy with yourself even after you can see the photos after years. Do not do a radical change; all of Hosni Atalaltk.

22 - There should be no difference between the face and neck creams because of the color, so you must unite color.

23 - Do not overdo it in Alcontureng; he hewed cheeks something imaginary Tngamsa not much in it only Tlaobei light and color tone.

24 - do not MAKE Macaiajk flagrant, and tumble gray makeup with dark red lips and red cheeks prominent.

25 - Do not overdo it on plucking the eyebrows of Being on fashion, even facial expression does not change, and Adjalleha closer to normal, and use cosmetics strengthen the eyebrows, such as sweet almond oil.

26 - Give your eyebrows a time for growth to Wiersma according to the form in which you would like it, and leave it to the experts.

27 - Take care of the health of your eyebrows, and I deal with them, as you deal with the hair of the head, nor Tardehma a lot of powder and pen and so on.

28 - Use a color that supports eyebrow and gives him a beautiful look, and try to use colors that match the color of your skin and hair.

29 - expensive teeth whitening when the doctor, and if you like it Vid dental professional manner in these days available through acceptable prices treatments but selected depends on the degree of damage to the teeth.

30 - sugary soft drinks soften the gloss of teeth and makes them pale.

Get healthy and long eyelashes is of concern to a lot of women, we can not show the beauty of the eyes without interest Balrmoh that increase the charm and appeal. Often contributing factors such as malnutrition and some cosmetic habits such as the use of false eyelashes and mascara and not to remove make-up before going to sleep in the thinning eyelashes and Fallen. So you need to follow these tips to look taller and more attractive eyelashes.

Your diet needs to be adjusted
 Modifying your diet is the first step to enhance the lengthening eyelashes, poor nutrition adversely affect the health and growth of the nails, hair and, of course, eyelashes, Vfroh head produces a protein called keratin, any food makes your hair grow long in a healthy way is definitely long eyelashes and makes them more beautiful.

What you have to do is just add some foods that contain protein to your diet, such as:
• Fish.
• eggs.
• liver.
• lean meats.
• Essential fatty acids.
• Vitamin E found in soybeans, avocados, beans and olive oil.
• Vitamin H add to your diet, it is an important vitamin for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, and you can get it by eating egg yolks, bananas, nuts, sardines and almonds.
• Vitamin C is one of the antioxidants, making it very important for hair growth and health, we can find this kind of vitamin in: oranges, tangerines, lemons, leafy greens and red peppers.
• As you drink plenty of water and stay away from smoking.

Tips long and attractive eyelashes:
• Use almond oil, hath a significant impact on the eyelashes, and have proven scientific experiments ability to overcome the problem of loss eyelashes, also works on the intensity and appearance look healthy glossy, just grease it on the eyelashes every day.
• must remove eye makeup before going to sleep, use a gently rose water from the inside to the outside.
• When the sense of smell change mascara, Discard them immediately, because your eyes first to preserve them, it causes heartburn and eye redness.
• Choose Medical mascara if you Taatoven regular mascara.
• Make sure before you go to sleep put a little Vaseline on your lashes so as not to lose the drought that glory and brightness.
• mystery that does not know much about the date seeds, it is a very important tool and indispensable care Balrmoh, he is working on its density and growth through the grind some of it and use it daily on the eyelashes, and wait effect Bamadaomh it a day.
• It can achieve your dream lengthening lashes, Vzi olive, a magic effect in lengthening eyelashes, Fastkhaddmah day great caution to prevent entering the eye.
• You can mix sesame oil with almond oil, olive, castor and for long and thick eyelashes with glitter and glamor

With the beginning of the summer must be plenty of people are suffering from the problem of body odor unpleasant, especially since the summer hot season and the body is exposed to strong sunlight which makes it produces a lot of sweat with a stench and repulsive, which cause them a lot of embarrassment.

But it has to be an effective and radical solution to rid the body of these annoying smells and shield them from the unpleasant secretions.

Get to know: Do you suffer from the smell of sweat .. Here's the solution

Here's effective natural way made from ingredients found at your fingertips you can apply to get a very effective and natural sweat with excellent deodorant.

Two tablespoons of shea butter
Two tablespoons of coconut oil.
3 tablespoons of baking soda.
5 tablespoons powder without smell.
8 drops of any perfume Tvdilanh.

Here too: foods and drinks to get rid of unpleasant body odor

How to prepare:
Oveba shea butter in a steam bath, then add the coconut oil. My heart a bit, then top with all the other ingredients and Akhltiha all until well combined.

Place this mixture in a glass jar airtight and Astkhaddmah after evaluating the armpit clean and dry the area well twice a day.

Maintaining the wet skin soft and flexible it becomes more difficult as we get older. The impact of the surrounding habits daily bad environment that may follow it and drink a small amount of water will damage the skin and exposing it to the aging of the start of the age of twenty, and it becomes us fighting to maintain a healthy and moist our skin enough and of course we need foreign assistance in this and this aid comes through the selection of appropriate formulations skin care, so you Madam most important tips for Taatmkny choose the best Day Cream moisturizer for your skin

1. it must Nahari cream contains a sun visor
This factor is important Jaddalhamaih skin from ultraviolet radiation. When you choose the daytime Karim sure to encompass the protection of 30% of the sun surely you do not want skin wilted.

2. Make sure that contains a high proportion of moisturizing
While it can not be moisturizing cream that erases wrinkles but it can ease their appearance through his work on filling in the skin cells. The application of any lotion on the skin well moisturised would make Kalasnfnjh lotion absorbs easily and have greater influence them, moist skin twice daily over a lifetime.

3. Choose which contains the mounted on AHA
The presence of AHA or Alpha Hydroxyl Acid acid alpha-hydroxy Created in the daytime Karim excellent option to help moisturize and repair skin cracks, this acid works to exfoliate your skin and thus get rid of the dead skin and reveal new layers.

4. Make sure the credibility of the company producing the Msthoudratk
The point here is not the big companies and expensive brands, but the meaning is the reputation of materials produced and the impact on customers that.

5. Choose a cream containing a substance Glycerin

That nourish the skin and Tnfajha naturally, Vtmlye wrinkles and soften the appearance significantly.

6. Make sure that your Holy suitable for your skin type
Each skin type has special requirements different from the other type, Vanma dry skin cream ingredients differ from those of the components Baldehnah.

7. Gerry Karimk change of seasons
May think it funny but this step is very important, Fmsthoudrat summer should be lighter than the winter preparations for example.

8. classless lotion containing retinol before going to bed
Valkarim which contains retinol is full of vitamin A, which helps the skin to regenerate cells, which believes in a brighter complexion and freshness in the morning

9. do not forget to test any new lotion before applying it to your face

10. Choose your care commensurate with your income products
Atraqa yourself not to buy more costly brands, but look for decent, which depends on the composition of natural materials and are guaranteed, and the production of a reliable company.



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