Sunday, April 3, 2016

Known for vitamin E, or also known as vitamin (E) its value aesthetic, on the skin as a whole, especially on the facial skin, and how we find the people speak in care Bbcherthm if by powders, creams, without heed to their need for this important vitamin. Vitamin E is an important source of Giving face freshness and sparkle, so we find that most of the cosmetics specialist advised to use it and understand its benefits the rich, so we find it in pharmacies in the form of pills or oily improvised used directly on the skin. The properties of vitamin E vitality, it does prevent oxidation in the skin, those resulting from fatty acids, which are unsaturated bonds, as it makes a high concentration of oxygen that prevents the facial skin young and energetic and private. This vitamin is used especially when the younger generation, who appear to have red-grain white capes, known acne, and also for the restoration of facial skin, as it works Huskers layer worn stratum of the face, which in turn treats pimples all kinds and sores that infect the skin, not to mention for the treatment of eczema and psoriasis affecting the facial skin, and is also good for the lips Almtvschtin processor where Bamaaljtahma and moisten them, as it is the most important vitamins that protect the eye from inflammation and redness of the problem of eyelashes and eyelids. Using Vitamin E liquid which is added to creams used on a daily basis, and can massage the face and neck every day, to show a short magical outcome of this vitamin period, but hardly resembles the facial skin closest to the skin of children, where flip back a beautiful free from any defects and any traces of scars or Tvskhat or Tqrnat, in addition to the fact that is to whiten their spots and pigmentation that may infect the face as a result of different weather factors, especially through exposure to sunlight. This is the most important vitamin that works to renew the skin, it is added because it affects the skin, which has been struck by irritation and redness where he works to comfort her, and gives it freshness, it is considered the most influential in the skin that have affected the past and hit old age, giving them turn youthful purity, will prevent her progress in Age and handling lines that have affected them, where increases the production of facial collagen skin, so in the event of attendance on its use on a daily basis. It remains to point out that this vitamin in addition to being a first for the skin, but it is useful in the treatment of breast cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, ulcers, asthma, and some diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and many other diseases.

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